Unless you are super-slim, pose with your elbows slightly away from your sides.
If you pose with your elbows touching the sides of your body, your body will look as wide as the elbow-to-elbow dimension, not to mention that if you have less than ideal tone upper arms, it will get squished and look even bigger.
Just move your elbows slightly away from your sides, creating just a small separation between your body and your arm, people will notice the cut-in of your waistline in your photos and this makes your torso appears slimmer.
Learn this pose with care. When you are moving your elbows outward, make sure that you do not lift your shoulders (which we already know, is not a good thing). Also you only want to move your elbows slightly away from your sides - too far out and you'll look like you're doing the funky chicken dance !
More tips to come. Taken from one of my favorite blogs bridaltwist